Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Feb. 19th Thesis Statements Response

The thesis statements were definitely a reoccurring theme and I agree with how the novel All Quiet on The Western Front was one of the most accurate depictions of war to this date. The description used by Erich Remarque was very accurate and anyone who has read the novel speaks about how real the novel is depicts how inhumane the battles and war truly were. Most novels wrote on war try and discuss or justify how whoever it is that is being described as patriotic and great war stories but Remarque chose to describe war as realistic as he could and not worry about what people thought and that is why this novel is so successful and highly praised.

I agree with the Realities of War thesis statement and I appreciated how Remarque wrote with description and took detail and even over did it. In the novel there was such realness and not much censorship to it about how limbs would be blown off and the poisonous gas and the overall inhumanity in War. The thing that many people forget about all these wars with all the numbers and stats is that all these numbers were once real people. Patriotic and young men that were going into war with a positive look on it and those who did survive were and are forever changed from there experiences. This novel does a wonderful job of telling war and describing it as what it truly is.

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